Councillor Sheffield City Council 2000 -2012, Managing Partner Scriven Consulting, Former Leader, Sheffield City.
Paul Scriven has a solid background in public sector management and policy formulation. He also has extensive experience in working with public sector organisations to improve their effectiveness, productivity and outcomes to customers.
Paul represented the Broomhill Ward in the City of Sheffield, from 2000 as a Councillor been re-elected three times and did so until May 2012. He was elected as Leader of the Liberal Democrat councillors in 2002. He became the Leader of the Council in 2008 a position he held until 2011.
He is a champion of personalisation in the public sector, giving individual customers’ choice over the services they use and also co-produce. Doing this increases both efficiency and productivity in the public sector.
He has been a great advocate of “community budgeting” and working with new and innovative models of public service delivery based around people and community, not organisational boundary.